Thursday, September 29, 2011

Professor: Jared speaks for sewers.
Bobby: I think I prefer cow solids to human solids.
Andrew: Isn't that what Elder What's-his-trash said?
Jeff, trying to understand city annexation laws: "So 'adjacent' is like holding hands and 'contiguous' is like spooning?"
Steven: They had a governor, his name was Pennypacker--that should set you off!
Bobby: I kinda just want to hug Dr. Hart.
Mo: That guy was perilously close to my kissing zone.
Bobby: You just gotta go all Bill Clinton on her.
Professor: I am boss.
Jennica: Poopy twine!
Professor: "What would the earth look like if everyone threw their trash out the window."

Amy Fisler: "Africa."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Andrew N. regarding his own quotes, "Apparently mine are too raunchy..."
Professor: "That's a technical term -- 'the jiggle point.'"
Professor: "I'm too much of an economist, that's why I eat a lot of pie."
Lauren: "I was a speechwriter for a politician. So naturally I think in terms of B.S."
Professor: "There is a runaway trolley about to run over 5 people..."
Bobby: "You can't use a trolley, that thing goes too slow. You just jump out of the way."
Jeff: "Yah... you just go 'ding ding'."
Matthias: "I could look at Carrie Underwood all day."
Professor: Essentiality is essential.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tim: "The security guards there (at Sandia) make demontors look like nice people."
Matthias to Starlee: "Lets go to Havasupai... It's like Hawaii in America!"
Katherine to Chris: "My town is small and cute, just like you."
Ben to Karla: "Do you want to boop me?"
Professor: "Now that's a windfall for the day."
Nasa:"Anggita, you need to eat more. A wind will come by and blow you over."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Brittany to Ben: "A little too anxious to grab your zucchini there, huh?"
Professor: "Anything that has any complexity is very difficult."
Jenny: "You don't have a family yet."

Hugh: "WWJD?"

Jenny: "What would Jenny do?"
Professor: "Money is really important to function."
Professor: "Too bad you're not an attendance quiz, James."
Professor: "Good food--uninterrupted--a major source of happiness for people."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jennica: "I steamed Amy Grant's dress this summer... so you should all come talk to me."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Professor: "When you introduce a fuzzy objective to your decision problem of non-fuzzy objectives, your decision problem becomes fuzzified."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Katie B: When I meet all these awesome guys and girls I'm just like, "Marry my friend."
Jennica on the outrageous cost of the negotiations packet: "I’m pretty sure they made the pages with baby panda fur."
Professor: "Six months. I guarantee that all of you will be making $75,000 within the next six months. "
Teresa: "These are some real nice lips."
Chris to Leli: "We could go on one date and then have a tragic love story."
Jared: "Where are you from? You look like you could be Hawaiian or something..."
Claire: "Montana..."
Jared: "That's about as un-Hawaiian as you can get!"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Cecily: "Dreams are a liability in your job hunt."
Jared H: "I like thrill seeking behavior though..."
Regarding Camden B. sneaking his baby into a formal dinner, Nasa L. said,  "I can put your baby in my backpack and if anyone asks I'll say, 'Oh, that is my monkey pet just making noise.'"
Erin V: "No.... I want the gummies that are bad for me."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Talia: "Troy, you share the same birthday as my former hamster."
Anonymous: "I can't wait to go to ethics with Dr. Hartthrob."
Brett Noble: "If what they read in law school is anything like last nights reading, I don't want freaking anything to do with it!" (talking about Dr. Facer's reading)
Jennica to Oliver: "You are such an idiot! Who I love."
Ben: "I have an hour, what should I do with it?"

Laura R.: ""Go find someone to date."
Ben: "Did you see the email she sent me? It's completely unambiguous. Drop the class; date more!"
Professor: "Why don't people go live off in the woods in Montana..."

Ben Thurgood: "That's a great idea."

Professor: "...and send letter bombs to people."

Ben: "Uh, not that part."

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Liz F to Nasa: "You swore at me in Mongolian?"
Mo: While setting up his Mac to run windows: "I just became a little baby Andrew Heiss today."
Jonathan Ward: "Whoa whoa whoa whoa...they are NOT going to make me use syllabus builder until December!"
Professor: "Debt is just like drugs, sex, and rock and roll. Fun in the right situations, but otherwise not so good."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Social Innovation

Jenny B at a Ballard Center Presentation: "It is really cool. They made food into dirt... and they ate the dirt.... No really, I saw them!"

Oh Ben...

Steve D. about Ben: "Ben will stick a lot of things in your head."


Ben to Starlee after the rafting trip: "Now you want me..."


Professor: "I do use the texting."